Apply for Funding

TD launched the TD Ready Commitment to help open doors for a more inclusive and sustainable tomorrow by focusing our community giving on four drivers of change. Read our informational sheet for each of these drivers here: Financial SecurityVibrant PlanetConnected Communities and Better Health.

Apply for funding

There are many ways TD supports your community. Choose the funding option below that best fits your organization or initiative. If your organization is based in the U.S., explore funding opportunities in the U.S.

  • Corporate Donations and Sponsorships

    We offer funding for community-based projects and events that are aligned with the TD Ready Commitment.

  • TD FEF Grant

    We support grassroots environmental initiatives focusing on green spaces.

  • The TD Ready Challenge

    The TD Ready Challenge supports organizations developing innovative solutions for a changing world.

  • TD Scholarships for Community Leadership

    Recipients are students who, like TD, help support change, nurture progress and contribute to making the world a better place.

Application Process

For Corporate Donations and Sponsorships, we have four deadlines each year. Please refer to the timelines below to plan your application accordingly. The portal will remain open throughout the year, but applications will only be reviewed during the timelines noted below. If you miss an application deadline, your application will be automatically pushed to the following round so you don't need to reapply.

For deadlines and details related to TD Friends of the Environment Foundation (TD FEF), please visit the TD FEF Grant page.

Application Timelines for Corporate Donations and Sponsorships

Applicants Notified 2024 - 2025

January 4


April 4


July 4


October 2


Application Process

  1. Log into the TD application portal here.
  2. You will be prompted to fill out a single application form. This may take 45 minutes to several hours to complete, depending on the complexity of your funding request.
  3. Submit your application form.
  4. Once submitted, your application will be reviewed, and you will be notified of our funding decision by reply email. See table above for timelines.

When filling out your application, please include:

  1. Contact information about your organization, which includes your organization’s name, address, phone number, email address, and Charitable Registration Number or Incorporation Number, as well as your organization's mandate.
  2. A description of your initiative for which you are requesting funding
  3. A description of how your initiative aligns with one or more of the 4 drivers (Financial Security, Vibrant Planet, Connected Communities and Better Health) of the TD Ready Commitment
  4. A description of the intended outcomes of your initiative and how you plan to measure and track progress towards these intended outcomes
  5. A list of the members of your organization's Board of Directors and/or any Advisory Board members
  6. A description of how the leadership for your initiative will reflect the diversity of the community/group that your initiative intends to serve
  7. The amount of funding for your initiative that you are requesting from TD
  8. A list of current funders for your organization and for your initiative
  9. An overall budget for your organization and for your initiative
  10. How you propose to use the funding you are requesting from TD for your initiative and what type of recognition you would consider providing for such support.

For more information regarding applications for the TD Friends of the Environment Foundation, please visit the TD FEF Grant page. For more information regarding applications for the TD Ready Challenge, please visit

We receive a range of requests from under $1,000 to over $1,000,000. Your application will be reviewed based on the scope of your initiative, including intended impacts to the community and the ability to measure and track progress. The amount requested will be assessed based on budgets, financial statements and other information provided in the application.

When applying, please consider that:

  • For all requests:
    • a donation from TD should normally not make up more than 20% of your organization's total operating budget
    • We will only consider one request per organization. Hospitals and post-secondary institutions must determine in-house which program / department / faculty is a priority to put forward for support. If you are applying as a faculty, please ensure you have the endorsement of your university, and we encourage you to centralize your request through the development/fundraising arm of your institution
    • normally, we will not direct any portion of a grant to unrestricted or undesignated funds
    • usually no more than 15% of our funding can be directed towards administrative costs for the organization. Costs (including staffing) directly related to delivering an initiative are not considered administrative
    • we will not fund endowments
  • For grants of $500,000 or more, normally we will consider:
    • directing up to 20% of our grant towards capital expenses, if those expenses are directly related to the initiative we'd be supporting
    • allocating up to 10% of our funding toward costs associated with evaluating the progress and outcomes of the initiative
    • directing no more than 15% of our funding towards administrative costs for the organization. Costs (including staffing) directly related to delivering an initiative are not considered administrative
    • for a stand-alone organization, the maximum donation to be capped at $500,000 per year, for a maximum of five years

The budget should reflect the totality of the revenues and the expenses. You can include your current operating budget. We may contact you to require budgets from previous years.


Based on external and internal research, TD identified what we call the Four Interconnected Drivers of Change, because we believe when addressed together they can help people feel more confident about their future. As part of our research, we also identified focus areas and goals under each driver that will help guide the types of programs and initiatives we will support. For more information, please refer to the PDFs listed below for each driver.

  • Canadian registered or incorporated charities and not-for-profits
  • Indigenous communities
  • Municipalities
  • Organizations that provide benefits and strengthens the communities that we serve
  • Initiatives that align to a focus area under one of the Four Interconnected Drivers of the TD Ready Commitment
  • Initiatives with measurable outcomes

  • For-profit organizations
  • General fundraising drives or capital campaigns
  • Elementary and secondary public/separate schools
  • Private schools
  • Religious organizations (i.e., organizations whose primary purpose is religious practice or worship). Faith-based organizations, that provide programs and services for broader community benefit, may be considered.
  • Pageants and fashion shows
  • Sports teams and sporting events
  • Individuals or individual pursuits/fundraising initiatives
  • Recreational groups (lodges, fraternal clubs, self-improvement organizations, etc.)
  • Conferences, trade shows, fairs
  • Golf tournaments
  • Production of videos, television shows, podcasts, etc.
  • Organizations focused on lobbying, advocacy, or political efforts
  • Endowment or memorial campaigns
  • Building or capital requests that do not include programming
  • Initiatives outside Canada
  • Employee training, not directly related to an initiative

For organizations with national and regional chapters, our preference is to provide support to national offices unless there is sound rationale for the regional chapter to apply directly. For example, the annual budget of the regional chapter is greater than the national office's or the national office is an umbrella organization with no fundraising mandate or capacity.

TD provides substantial support to United Way organizations across Canada. For this reason, we do not typically provide duplicate support to organizations that are United Way/Centraide member agencies.

Organizations will normally be considered for funding once per year.

Organizations will normally be considered for funding once per year.

We do not make donations to individuals.

General Questions

We require all new and existing applicants to fill out applications through our online system, including renewals. If your grant comes to an end this year and you want to be considered for funding, you will need to submit a new funding application within the timelines noted (see question: What is the application process and timelines?). This will also help us ensure that our records remain up to date with every organization.

Please note that we receive on average over 3,000 requests a year and receive more requests than we can fund. As a result, funding is never guaranteed.

You can contact for general inquiries about funding. If you have specific questions or updates about your initiative, please contact the Community Relations Manager you have been working with.

You do not need to speak with a TD employee to be considered for funding. All requests will be reviewed based on the merits of the application. Please ensure you fill out the application to the best of your ability and refer to the questions listed under the section titled, Application Process, for more details about it.

If you do have questions about the process or your request, please contact

You will receive a confirmation email, along with a tracking ID, upon submission of your application.

Attachments cannot be added once the application is submitted.

Questions about applying for funding?

New applicants

Have a question about funding or need help with your application? Get in touch with us.