Our Sub-Advisers
TD Epoch
TD Asset Management Inc. (TDAM) has appointed Epoch Investment Partners, Inc. (TD Epoch) as the sub-adviser for certain strategies in Canada
Focused on free cash flow and the intelligent use of data
Epoch Investment Partners Inc. manages a variety of investment strategies with different investment objectives, but they share a common philosophy centered on the belief that the generation and allocation of free cash flow represents the best predictor of shareholder return. We believe that the ability of a company to generate free cash flow makes the business worth something and how management allocates a firm’s free cash flow determines whether the value of the business rises or falls. We also believe that the intelligent use of data will play a critical role in the evolution of the asset management industry, and this evolution is at the core of TD Epoch's fundamental investment strategies.
At A Glance
Record of superior relative and risk-adjusted returns.
Fundamental strategies bolstered by data and technology.
Risk management integrated with the investment process to minimize unintended risks and reduce volatility.
Seasoned team of investment professionals averaging more than 20 years of experience.
Risk management integrated with the investment process to minimize unintended risks and reduce volatility.
Focus on building meaningful relationships with clients to help them achieve their investment goals.
TD Epoch Operating Committee
TD Epoch strategies
TD Epoch Investment Team
Epoch Investment Partners, Inc. is registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training. Visit our Legal page for more information and important disclosures.