TD Treasury Management Services

Take charge of your receivables and payables processes with flexible treasury solutions.

  • Simplify billing, receive payments faster and accelerate revenue with our flexible, automated Treasury Management solutions

  • Bolster your company's anti-fraud plan with our suite of solutions and help from TD Treasury Management specialists

  • Maximize efficiency and control in your payment processes with our robust Treasury Management solutions

  • Maximize working capital and meet liquidity needs with custom, automated systems from TD Treasury Management

  • Streamline treasury management operations and analyze financial data anywhere, anytime, with our secure online information platforms

  • Learn about how this critical industry initiative will help standardize payments and information reporting

TD Thought Leadership

  • In its 6th Year of Research, TD Bank had over 340 respondents complete the Treasury Perspectives Survey for 2024 over the course of a 9-week survey runtime. Respondents consisted of Treasury practitioners, bankers, and CFOs from companies operating in the U.S. and other countries. This survey measures sentiment, priorities, concerns, and areas of focus for financial leaders

  • Payment fraud is a fast-growing business threat, according to the 2024 AFP Payments and Control Survey Report. In 2023, for example, an alarming 80% of surveyed organizations were hit by actual or attempted payment fraud attacks. That’s up 23% from 2022.

  • There's no escaping email as part of daily communications at home and at work. And with email being a critical tool for business operations, the sheer volume can be overwhelming with research estimating users average 121 emails a day. That’s a lot for busy executives and workers to manage.

  • Owners of small and medium size businesses often wear many hats or manage others who do. Sales and marketing, operations, finance, human resources, compliance, the list goes on. But, too often, one important responsibility may get scant attention: fraud prevention and cybersecurity.

Interested in learning more?

Talk to your Treasury Management Officer or we can call you.

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